yep, I'm still alive! :)
I haven't posted a lot in the last months, but that doesn't mean I've been idle. A lot of new things came to my life, in form of new projects or interest.
If you came here to know more about my music I have some news:

For those of you than don't believe that, take a look to this pic :)
Apart of that, a couple of weeks a go I received an offer to compose the full soundtrack of a new movie. I can't give you much more details of that for the moment, as I'm waiting for more info about the script, etc. and I haven't decide yet If I'll get involved in that project or not. Anyway, a great new, at least for me, hehe.
Following with this WWII games, don't forget to take a look to the release of Forgotten Hope 2.
This amazing Battlefield 2 WWII modification, which first version for the old Battlefield 1942 already included some of my songs, is going to be revolutionary, so If i were you I'll start downloading as soon as it's released tomorrow! :)
We're developing a huge mod for that racing simulator, focused on classic GT cars of 60s-70s. Realistic physics, gorgeous graphics and sounds and much more features (many of them still being kept in secret, hehe) make this mod one of the most desired in the rFactor community.
Just an example: in our modding team there're people from all around the world, with ages from 15 years old to men in theirs 50's who own or have driven (even in races) some of these classic cars, working together in this thing. So it's really a good way to do new friends with similar interests ;)
About the new style of this site and my own 'corporative image' I've delayed it for a while, until I get a bit of free time to organize it.
I'll be back soon, with more info with my music, as well as other things. In the meanwhile take care, and don't forget to come back again ;)
Kindest regards
Hi dude!
Fidelio speaking!
Quite surprised about your music ... I always thought it was good ... but not THAN good ... Lately I've been listening Mahler music and the way you create a 'texture' with metals reminded me his ... Please, listen Mahler 5th simphony (just 1st movement will be enought) and tell me wheter you agree or not ...
Congratulations again for your music and, which is more important, for teaching me the power of action against the power of talk ... Artist is someone who create things and NOT someone who talk and talk about plans for creating things.
Bye my friend...
Thanks for your nice comments. And, yep, sure! I'll give you my comments about Mahler's :)
I'll keep an eye on your stuff either. Don't know if our stuff is art or just a failed attempt, but at least if we're getting fun it's not a bad start point. But probably we'll need to take a step further to get a little piece of art.
It's clear for me that art usually doesn't come as easily as is supposed. You know: No pain, no gain.
So, if it has been hard do finish probably we're on the right way :)
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