Monday, February 17, 2014

"The heart asks pleasure first" piano study

Some months a go I promised myself I was going to learn to play this song on the piano: "The heart asks pleasure first", a song created by Michael Nyman for the "The Piano" OST. I started creating a simplified version of it just to learn the flow and melody.

There's a long way to go yet before playing it as it actually is, but things are not looking that bad :)


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

A new cover: Bill Withers' "Ain't no sunshine"

Some time has passed since I recorded a video of myself singing. Just a few days a go I was driving and this song played. I've liked it, and I thought "Why not? it's a cool song".

So here it is.. as an amateur singer/musician there's a huge space for improvement, but the final result is not that bad. And yep, I know... I should smile a bit more. But hey, I'm working on that. For the moment is enough to sing and play at the same time :)