Thursday, February 01, 2007

Some statistics about my music


I've got some numbers about my music for you, provided by my music host (

  • "Entering battle" is my most listened and downloaded song. Near 4000 people listened it, and another 800 downloaded it since it was released. It's #55 of 6728 songs in the film music chart (its highest position was 13), and #136 of 22831 songs in the classical music chart (its highest position was 32).
  • "Flying high" , my last released song has been listened by near 500 visitors and downloaded by aprox. 50 in a month. It's #178 of 8241 songs in the rock chart (highest was 40).
  • My music section has got more than 15000 hits.
I suppose that is enough for the moment :-)

Besides, my music has been used in PC games, a NoFear DVD and is planned to be part of a WWII movie.

A boring post, I know, but sometimes our lives need numbers! :-)

Best regards


Anonymous said...

Muy buen blog y no lo digo solo porque sea tu "TIO". Espero disfrutarlo más cuando cuando tenga el ALIEN funcionando bien. UN abrazote.

Rantam said...


En pocos días lo tendrás al 100% otra vez, descuida :)