Friday, July 12, 2024

New song: "The Gamblers"

 Hi again folks,

despite I haven't uploaded a lot of songs lately that doesn't mean I've been idle. Not at all! So here goes my latest song: The Gamblers.

This epic orchestral song was created to be the main theme for the Digital Combat Simulation's "The Gamblers" campaign by Baltic Dragon.

After creating other songs for him, Baltic Dragon contacted me in the winter of 2022 to create a new song for his new F16 Campaign. The song took many iterations until reaching its final form, and despite being much longer initially, the final version was shortened to suit the trailer lenght.

This version was completed in April 2024. It was originally uploaded on May 3rd 2024 but wasn't publicly available until July 11th, the release date of "The Gamblers" DCS campaign.

"The Gamblers" DCS campaign official trailer (only music):

"The Gamblers" DCS campaign official trailer (music and audio):

(Trailer video by Max Pettersson)

Stream/purchase the song at Bandcamp:


Hope you enjoy it! More music comming soon ;)

Have a nice summer!

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Improvising at night

 Hi again,

Here's a short piano improvisation I recorded last summer. I've added some old videos I shot quite some time ago to make it a bit more entertaining. It's not highly produced, but I hope you enjoy it anyway:


The song is also available on Bandcamp (only audio, alternate mix):


Monday, September 25, 2023


 Hi there!

This is how I spend my time while everyone else is sleeping...

I recorded this demo a few days ago. It's just an improvisation around an idea I had while playing guitar. I recorded it on video in one take, and added all the other instruments later, to make it a bit more interesting.

I hope you like it :)


Saturday, January 07, 2023

Happy 2023 and a new song!

 Hi again folks,

first of all: Happy New Year to you all!! 

Oh God...Another year has passed... but I guess that's always good :) So long 2022, and welcome 2023! Yes, I know: the World has gone completely nuts during 2022, hasn't it? But hey, there's always space for hope, right? So let's wish this brand new 2023 brings some sense and good stuff.

So... here is my little contribution to that! "The Fighter Pilot Podcast" has decided to jump from the audio realm to full video glory on YouTube, and the guys needed a new theme for the show. So here it goes: this new song is call "Firewall":


The song started as a 10 sec hard-rock jingle as requested by the team. But I thought it was a pity to leave it like that, so I created a longer version of it that might be considered as a song. It has a "80's guitar hero" intro section which evolves into a hard-rock theme similar to the ones you probably associate now with the show.

Here you can watch the video where it has been used for first time:

As always, I've also uploaded the audio version:

Hope you like it! :)


Friday, June 17, 2022

Dominant Fury

 Hi again,

well... here goes another song: "Dominant Fury" is a 3 min long cinematic orchestral song. It features a calm first half section and an epic second half. It has some Middle East flavor, as it was created to be used in the premiere of the Digital Combat Simulator Campaign "Raven One: Dominant Fury", which takes place in that part of the World. 

The campaign was created by Baltic Dragon and is based on the book trilogy "Raven One" by Kevin Miller. This new campaign is a prequel of the successful DCS "Raven One" campaign, also by Baltic Dragon. 

Baltic Dragon provided some guidelines about what kind of song he had in mind and gave me feedback during the creation process of the song. This is the result:

This is the audio version:


The song was featured for the first time on this preview video of the "Raven One: Dominant Fury" campaign:

 It also appears at the end of Air Combat Sim Podcast Ep. 30, where the campaign was previewed:  


Days later the official trailer of the campaign was released, featuring the whole song:


 It also appeared in the campaign's quick guide video:

Hope you like it :)

Kindest regards